We're Here for You: A Lambda Legal Update

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Virtual Teleconference

Join us Thursday, May 21st at 5:30 PM Eastern | 4:30 PM Central | 2:30 PM Pacific

We're Here for You - LC/GS Teleconferences

Over the past several months, our Lambda Legal community – supporters, volunteers and staff from across the country would have gathered at events in Fort Lauderdale, Chicago, San Francisco – and at our Liberty Awards National Dinner in New York City.

While we look forward to when it will be safe to gather, we want to keep you up-to-date on Lambda Legal’s work. Please join us for an update for Lambda Legal’s Liberty Circle and Guardian Society members on Thursday, May 21st, from 5:30-6:30pm EDT/4:30pm Central/2:30pm Pacific. 

Topics covered include a recap of recent Lambda Legal victories and our next steps to ensure access to accurate identity documents, our legal challenge to the Federal Government’s failure to protect LGBTQ people in health care (especially during a global health crisis), and an update on our continuing work to defend LGBT people living in the South.

In addition, Sharon McGowan, Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director will moderate a panel discussion with Diana Flynn, Litigation Director; Jenny Pizer, Director of Law & Policy; and Greg Nevins, Director, Employment Fairness Project that will focus on the next phase of our nondiscrimination work in employment (and beyond) as we anticipate a decision on the current Title VII case before the Supreme Court.

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